Welcome to Pocket Fuzz. A Pocket Pet community!


The Admin(s) will post upcoming news and such to this forum as well as rules, upcoming mods, and new updates to the pocket pet community.
Introduce yourself and your pocket pet(s)
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Help & Tips

Need help getting around? Post here!
Need some behavioral help with your pets? Need some help training them? We can help!
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In some areas a pocket pet vets are nowhere to be found! You may also be in financial hardships that a trip to the vet could be costly. We will try to help you as much as we can before sending you on your way!
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Picking your type of rodent before you buy it is key! Ask questions to owners of these pets to see which one is right for you.
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Defined Pets

Guinea Pig owners, commence! Here's a board by yours truly. Chat about your piggies, feel free to ask questions also. If you need more broader help, though, please post in help and tips!
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Rat owners, this is the place for you! Here's a board by yours truly. Chat about your ratties, feel free to ask questions also. If you need more broader help, though, please post in help and tips!
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Mice owners, get to mischief! Here's a board by yours truly. Chat about your mice, feel free to ask questions also. If you need more broader help, though, please post in help and tips!
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Hamster and Gerbil owners, get your hams together! Here's a board by yours truly. Chat about your hammies, feel free to ask questions also. If you need more broader help, though, please post in help and tips!
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There is much debate about whether birds, reptiles, etc. are included within pocket pets. You want to talk about them? Go ahead! You have questions? Be our guest. Also other furry mammals that are not defined yet on our board can go here!

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by account_disabled
Oct 19, 2023 6:12:44 GMT
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Welcome account_disabled!
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